Monday, October 31, 2011

Subtitle Processor

  New features
    - Time mode (frames / time) is now saved in Workspace and/or upon exiting SP
    - New column in Editor subtitles list showing character count for each subtitle's line
    - Added possibility to hide Scripts toolbar
    - Tab widths in Editor functions panel can be either fixed or variable with scroll buttons (Settings - General - User interface - Editor - Functions panel - Uniform width tabs)
    - Automatic opening of subtitles with similar file name as the movie (movie_filename*.*) - can be enabled in Settings - General - Automatic file opening - Search for subtitles when opening movie
  Bug fixes
    - Hiding Other corrections tab was impossible
    - Missing strings in language files

  New features
    - Unicode support for subtitles!
      - can load and save subtitles in more than 100 different encoding (uses GNU libiconv)
      - only ASS/SSA, SRT, MVD and simple time subtitles can be in unicode, other formats loaded through XSP can only be in regular 8bit encoding.
    - Unicode support in user interface / language files
      - Support of 'encoding' field in language file XML header.
        - Language files can now be in UTF-8 or any other 8bit encoding supported by Iconv
        - UTF-8 is preferred, other encodings are internally converted to UTF-8, thus slowing down the translation process a little.
        - 16bit or 32bit encodings are not supported by the xml parser (e.g. UTF-16, UCS-2, UCS-4), use UTF-8 instead, it can encode all Unicode characters.
        - All language files must now have correct XML header with encoding, otherwise they will not be loaded correctly.
      - Settings INI file is also UTF-8 and incompatibilities may occur with ini files from previous SP versions
      - Old UI Layout files are incompatible because the toolbars were somewhat changed and resized (due to some components not supporting Unicode)
      - Some components are still not showing unicode captions correctly
      - Changed all windows to be able to display Unicode captions, also open/Save dialogs can display Unicode
    - Unicode support for file names - Subtitles and media files
    - New Ruby scripting engine
      - Interface API provides
        - all methods needed to manipulate subtitles and styles from Ruby scripts
        - limited set of methods to communicate with user
        - limited set of methods to control Editor and Player
      - Currently scripts can register buttons in Script toolbar in Editor
    - Added the possibility to change font size in subtitle grids in Editor and Translator. Also added the possibility to change row height (the original size was good for 8pt font but 20pt font will have hard time trying to fit there:-))
    - Changed Editor functions tab sheets to toolbars so every tab can be undocked from the functions panel and docked anywhere else (or left floating)
    - Column customization in Editor subtitles list
      - Can hide / show columns
      - Can change order of columns by dragging
      - Position, visibility and order is stored in UI layout file or main settings (when layout is configured to be persistent)
    - New columns in Editor
      - Duration, Subtitle style, Layer, Type, Margin L, R, V, V2, Character name, Effect, Character count, Margins together (in format L, R, V, V2)
    - New Text synchronization panel - for timing text files without separated dialogs
      - Hidden by default, enable it in Player
    - Setting of subtitles overlap minimum length for highlighting / searching overlapping subtitles
    - Can delete multiple items at once in PlayList

    - Removed Codepage transcoding from text corrections, it is not applicable because all texts are now in unicode
    - Improved error messages when loading subtitles(no more 'Error on line -1')
    - Changed behavior of audio stream switching when opening new movie
      - The stream index is now preserved when opening new multimedia file (old behavior was to always select the stream specified in Configuration), useful when watching multiple episodes of a series, the ugly English dub is in the first track and you have to select the nice Japanese original (second track) each time new episode is opened;-)
      - The configured stream index is still used for the first opened file
    - Subtitles handling for files with chapters
      - subtitles are now used for all chapters of the file
    - VobSub handling for files with embedded subtitles
      - When external subtitles are loaded and automatic VobSub configured, VobSub appears in the stream list and replaces the internal streams. So if you want to watch the internal subtitles, DON'T load external subs.
    - PlayList is now not modal
  Bug fixes
    - When opened a multimedia file with unknown extension, it wasn't played due to bug in playlist code
    - in Transitions tab in Editor functions, the button was not visible (it was 20000 pixels away from left boundary:) )
    - Importing text files with ~2000 lines could take one minute to load (P4 2.66 GHz) and every change of a timestamp could take the same time due to the calculation of overlapping subtitles (since all subtitles are imported as starting at 0 and thus all overlap with each other). Limited the overlapping calculation to a maximum of 10 to overcome this.
    - 'Item' and 'Pls' were swapped in time display mode menu
    - Disabled Audio stream select button (this b*tch kept constantly disabling itself for unknown reason, hopefully fixed this time)
    - Invalid handling of subtitles for files with chapters
    - Improper resizing of PlayList window
    - Infinite loop when drag-dropping an item over it's nested subitem
  New featuures
    - Setting of subtitles overlap minimum length for highlighting / searching overlapping subtitles
    - Can delete multiple items at once in PlayList
    - PlayList is now not modal

  Bug Fixes
    - Invalid handling of subtitles for files with chapters
    - Improper resizing of PlayList window
    - Infinite loop when drag-dropping an item over it's nested subitem

    - Finished LangDiff tool
    - Subtitles handling for files with chapters
      - subtitles are now used for all chapters of the file
    - VobSub handling for files with embeded subtitles
      - When external subtitles are loaded and automatical VobSub cobnfigured, VobSub appears in the stream list and replaces the internal streams. So if you want to watch the internal subtitles, DON'T load external subs.

    - Changed behavior of audio stream switching when opening new movie
      - The stream index is now preserved when opening new multimedia file (old behavior was to always select the stream specified in Configuration), useful when watching multiple episodes of a series, the ugly English dub is in the first track and you have to select the nice Japanese original (second track) each time new episode is opened;-)
      - The configured stream index is still used for the first opened file
  Bug fixes
    - Disabled Audio stream select button (this b*tch kept constanly disabling itself for unknown reason, hopefully fixed this time)
  New features
    - Started LangDiff tool for easier language file updating  
  New features
    - New rake-based build engine to automate the building process
      - Automatic inclusion of actual default english file
      - Automatic build of SP executable and help file
      - Automatic creation of deploy zip files
      - Automatic naming of these files according to their versions
    - New comand-line parameter "-V"
      - when supplied, SP won't open, instead it will write a file "version.txt" that contains it's version in dot format, e.g.

    - Got rid of JVDragDrop - didn't support Unicode, now implemented using Windows messaages
    - Default language now included as resource file to enable automatic inclusion during build
  New  features
    - Unicode support for file names (subtitles and media files)!
      - Now you can finally open those cool clips with Japanese or Russian characters in their names:-)

  New features
    - Much improved Ruby interface
      - High level classes
      - Better documentation
      - Lots of bug fixes  

  New features
    - New Ruby scripting engine
      - Interface API provides
        - all methods needed to manipulate subtitles and styles from Ruby scripts
        - limited set of methods to communicate with user
        - limited set of methods to control Editor and Player
      - Documentation is yet to be written :-(

  Bug fixes
    - Invalid displaying of floating point numbers in settings and various other places

  New features
    - Column customization in Editor subtitles list
      - Can hide / show columns
      - Can change order of columns by dragging
      - Position, visibility and order is stored in UI layout file or main settings (when layout is configured to be persistent)
    - New columns in Editor
      - Duration, Subtitle style, Layer, Type, Margin L, R, V, V2, Character name, Effect, Character count, Margins together (in format L, R, V, V2)
2007.05.20 (785)
  New features
    - Changed Editor functions tab sheets to toolbars so every tab can be undocked from the functions panel and docked anywhere else (or left floating)
    - Support of 'encoding' field in language file XML header.
      - Language files can now be in UTF-8 or any other 8bit encoding supported by Iconv
      - UTF-8 is prefered, other encodings are internally converted to UTF-8, thus slowing down the translation process a little.
      - 16bit or 32bit encodings are not supported by the xml parser (e.g. UTF-16, UCS-2, UCS-4), use UTF-8 instead, it can encode all Unicode characters.
      - All language files must now have correct XML header with encoding, otherwise they will not be loaded correctly.
  Bug fixes
    - Translator refusing language files with UTF-8 BOM

  Bug fixes
    - Translator not loading string lists (combo box items etc.)

  Bug fixes
    - Invalid text width calculation in most of the OSD controls (bad calculation of text size with unicode characters)
    - Invalid unicode captions and texts in keyboard actions settings and editor
    - Invalid captions of Synchronization panel buttons
    - Changed all windows to be able to display Unicode captions, also open/Save dialogs can display Unicode
    - Replaced all uses of format() with wideFormat() in CatsoftComponents, hopefully fixing various unicode display glitches (the Japanese translation is incredible because it shows only question marks where Unicode problem exists)
    - Fixed saving / loading of internal SP subtitle format (all texts are saved as UTF-8 encoded strings because INI files only support 8bit strings)
    - Fixed saving / loading of keyboard control settings (UTF-8 encoded strings in INI file; old configuration files may be incompatible when you used language files with characters outside the 7-bit ASCII table - i.e. all languages except English)

2007.05.14 (777)
  New features
    - Unicode support in user interface / language files
      - All language files must now be in UTF-8, they won't load correctly if they are in regular 8-bit encoding
      - Settings INI file is also UTF-8 and incompatibilities may occur
      - Old UI Layout files are incompatible because the toolbars were somewhat changed and resized (due to some components not supporting Unicode)
      - Some components are still not showing unicode captions correctly

2007.05.12 (767)
  New features
    - Added the possibility to change font size in subtitle grids in Editor and Translator. Also added the possibility to change row height (the original size was good for 8pt font but 20pt font will have hard time trying to fit there:-))

  Bug fixes
    - Fixed broken spell-checker, now works properly with unicode
    - Fixed broken editing in Translator
    - Fixed invalid SRT saving

  New features
    - Unicode support!
      - experimental for now
      - can load and save subtitles in more than 100 different encoding (uses GNU libiconv)
      - only ASS/SSA, SRT and MVD subtitles can be in unicode, other formats loaded through XSP can only be in regular 8bit encoding.
    - Improved error messages (no more 'Error on line -1')
  Bug fixes
    - Importing text files with ~2000 lines could take one minute to load (P4 2.66 GHz) and every change of a timestamp could take the same time due to the calculation of overlapping subtitles (since all subtitles are imported as starting at 0 and thus all overlap with each other). Limited the overlapping calculation to a maximum of 10 to overcome this.

    - Removed Codepage transcoding from text corrections, it is not applicable because all texts are now in unicode
    - Removed Spell checker because it is broken due to unicode support, will reappear when fixed

  Bug fixes
    - When opened a multimedia file with unknown extension, it wasn't played due to bug in playlist code
    - in Transitions tab in Editor functions, the button was not visible (it was 20000 pixels away from left boundary:) )

  New features
    - Timestamp corrections - there is a new checkbox, using it only the timestamps that are too short are corrected

  Bug fixes
    - Save patches - did not work correctly
    - Question mark in Language - Author name

7.6 (summary of changes from 7.5.2)
  New features
    - New internal subtitle format (*.sp) based on INI file that can be used to save
      all information without any loss (currently no supported subtitle format can
      save all information, closest is SSA but even it can't save everything). It is
      also intended to be used as a data exchange format for a new parser. Currently
      loading time is acceptable (~250 ms), but saving is slow (~900 ms)
    - Save patches item in Save menu - save a copy of currently used file to appropriate
      patch directory
    - More intelligent automatic file opening:
      - When more files are dropped to SP, all media files are opened first and
        matching subtitles are searched in the list for the media files (same filename
        excluding extension). As a result, when 2 parts of a 2CD movie together with
        2 subtitles are dropped to SP, the media files are inserted to the playlist
        together with appropriate subtitles
    - New option in Reformat lines to keep original line together in one subtitle
      when splitting (#1449304)
    - Drag & Drop fine-editing of subtitle timestamps - drag selected subtitles left
      or right and the timestamps will be adjusted (#1512195)
    - Additional media streams - any multimedia file can be opened as additional
      stream - they are played together (e.g. audio file for movies without audio) (#1487814)
    - Save all function that saves 1. subs, 2. subs, MVD, PLS, WSP at once (#1537622)
      - quick-save versions
      - subs are checked if they are changed before executing save action for them
      - can be configured in Settings - General - Save all function items, by default
        it will only save 1. and 2. subs.
    - New keyboard actions
      - Insert \N line break - inserts '\N' and a line break in subtitle editors
        (1. and 2. memo in Player, main memo in Editor), default key: Shift+Enter
      - Actions for all DVD menu kinds: Title, Root, Subpictures, Audio, Angles and Chapters
    - Overlapping subtitles handling
      - New button to mark all overlapping subtitles
      - New option in Search / replace to select Overlapping subtitles
    - Save column widths in Settings window to UI layout file
    - New items saved to workspace:
      - Selected window (Editor / Player / Settings / Translator)
      - UI layout
      - Values in Editor
        - Selected function tab
        - All values in tabs: "Merge / Split", "Move / Scale", "Resynchronization" ,
          "Reformat lines", "Text corrections",
        - In "Transitions", all values are saved except Start (automatically filled)
        - Values in "Advanced subtitle editor" are not saved
      - Values in Player
        - OSD time mode, Repeat mode, Enqueue, Ignore loops, Show subtitles, Aspect
          ratio mode, Synchronization
        - Seek to position and Bookmark values
      - Open and save dialog's InitialDir for all dialogs in all four main windows
        and in StyleOrganizer
    - Persistent workspace - save workspace when exiting and load it upon next start
      - Configurable items that will be loaded: Movie, 1. subs, 2. subs, Selected sub,
        Editor values, Player values, Selected tab, Dialog folders
    - Rewritten time display in Player
      - up to 6 modes, each mode fully configurable (including the possibility to display
        time to the next subtitle)
    - Time display next to main tabs now fully configurable in the same way as the time
      display in Player
    - Jump to prev / next subtitle function now has a configurable delay
    - Resynchronization - new option - Line to first and last and also a configurable
      option to automatically add first and last subtitle
    - Redesigned Style editor, it is now faster and resizable, it's column sizes
      and window size / state are saved in UI Layout file

    - When opening subtitles, they are always inserted to the current Playlist item
      even if the item already contains subtitles
    - Behavior of language loading - now the version is checked and if the language file
      version is different, the default (ENG)language will be loaded before the selected language (#1445267)
    - Resynchronization - there is a new option to fix overlapping times (that may be
      introduced due to rounding errors) automatically after resynchronization (#1463071)
    - Repainted some icons (e.g. + and -) to B&W to better fit to some themes

  Bug fixes
    - A very nasty bug in subtitle format detection (XSP formats) that ocassionally
      caused invalid format detection even if the regexps were correct (stream
      position not reset to 0)
    - Warning of not saved subtitles not displayed when drag&drop (#1537643)
    - \N in ASS / SSA was loaded and saved as \n (#1537598)
    - When selecting VobSub subtitles, "None" was displayed as a result
    - "More buttons" chevron hints can now be translated (#1445263)
    - SSA/ASS outline color (#1544217)
    - Resynchronization - it was not possible to remove the last resynchronization point
    - Style editor - Embeddable checkbox and column headers were translated only
      upon the initial display of the dialog, not when the language was changed from within style editor

  New features
    - New internal subtitle format (*.sp) based on INI file that can be used to save all information without any loss (currently no supported subtitle format can save all information, closest is SSA but even it can't save everything). It is also intended to be used as a data exchange format for a new parser. Currently loading time is acceptable (~250 ms), but saving is slow (~900 ms)

  Bug fixes
    - A very nasty bug in subtitle format detection (XSP formats) that ocassionally caused invalid format detection even if the regexps were correct (stream position not reset to 0)

2007.01.01 - 746
  New features
    - Save patches item in Save menu - save a copy of currently used file to appropriate patch directory
    - More intelligent automatic file opening:
      - When more files are dropped to SP, all media files are opened first and matching subtitles are searched in the list for the media files (same filename excluding extension). As a result, when 2 parts of a 2CD movie together with 2 subtitles are dropped to SP, the media files are inserted to the playlist together with appropriate subtitles
    - New option in Reformat lines to keep original line together in one subtitle when splitting (#1449304)
    - Drag & Drop fine-editing of subtitle timestamps - drag selected subtitles left or right and the timestamps will be adjusted (#1512195)
    - Additional media streams - any multimedia file can be opened as additional stream - they are played together (e.g. audio file for movies without audio) (#1487814)
    - When opening subtitles, they are always inserted to the current Playlist item even if the item already contains subtitles
2006.12.31 - 743
  New features
    - Save all function that saves 1. subs, 2. subs, MVD, PLS, WSP at once (#1537622)
      - quick-save versions
      - subs are checked if they are changed before executing save action for them
      - can be configured in Settings - General - Save all function items, by default it will only save 1. and 2. subs.
    - New keyboard actions
      - Insert \N line break - inserts '\N' and a line break in subtitle editors (1. and 2. memo in Player, main memo in Editor), default key: Shift+Enter
      - Actions for all DVD menu kinds: Title, Root, Subpictures, Audio, Angles and Chapters
    - Overlapping subtitles handling
      - New button to mark all overlapping subtitles
      - New option in Search / replace to select Overlapping subtitles
  Bug fixes
    - Warning of not saved subtitles not displayed when drag&drop (#1537643)
    - \N in ASS / SSA was loaded and saved as \n (#1537598)
    - Behavior of language loading - now the version is checked and if the language file version is different, the default (ENG)language will be loaded before the selected language (#1445267)
    - Resynchronization - there is a new option to fix overlapping times (that may be introduced due to rounding errors) automatically after resynchronization (#1463071)
    - Repainted some icons (e.g. + and -) to B&W to better fit to some themes

2006.12.30 - 739
  New features
    - Save column widths in Settings window to UI layout file
    - New items saved to workspace:
      - Selected window (Editor / Player / Settings / Translator)
      - UI layout
      - Values in Editor
        - Selected function tab
        - All values in tabs: "Merge / Split", "Move / Scale", "Resynchronization" , "Reformat lines", "Text corrections",
        - In "Transitions", all values are saved except Start (automatically filled)
        - Values in "Advanced subtitle editor" are not saved
      - Values in Player
        - OSD time mode, Repeat mode, Enqueue, Ignore loops, Show subtitles, Aspect ratio mode, Synchronization
        - Seek to position and Bookmark values
      - Open and save dialog's InitialDir for all dialogs in all four main windows and in StyleOrganizer
    - Persistent workspace - save workspace when exiting and load it upon next start
      - Configurable items that will be loaded: Movie, 1. subs, 2. subs, Selected sub, Editor values, Player values, Selected tab, Dialog folders
  Bug fixes
    - When selecting VobSub subtitles, "None" was displayed as a result
    - "More buttons" chevron hints can now be translated (#1445263)
    - SSA/ASS outline color (#1544217)

  New features
    - Rewritten time display in Player
      - up to 6 modes, each mode fully configurable (including the possibility to display time to the next subtitle)
    - Time display next to main tabs now fully configurable in the same way as the time display in Player
    - Jump to prev / next subtitle function now has a configurable delay
    - Resynchronization - new option - Line to first and last and also a configurable option to automatically add first and last subtitle
    - Redesigned Style editor, it is now faster and resizable, it's column sizes and window size / state are saved in UI Layout file
  Bug fixes
    - Resynchronization - it was not possible to remove the last resynchronization point
    - Style editor - Embedable checkbox and column headers were translated only upon the initial display of the dialog, not when the language was changed from within style editor

    - Subtitles are not discarded when opening new media file - various behavior changes
      - when opening a new media file, the new playlist item will have the subtitles assigned
      - when switching to a new playlist item (also the case when a new media file is opened):
        - if the item has the same subtitles as the previous, no action is taken
        - if it has different subtitles, the user is first asked to save the current subs if they were changed
      - subtitles should not be discarded silently, in the case when they need to be discarded, user is asked to save the changes

  Bug fixes
    - Setting current movie position to subtitle's start / end did not work
    - Audio stream button was disabled sometimes
    - Grid editors were automatically closed when the playback was active

    - Save grid column sizes to UI layout
    - Save window state to UI layout
    - Quick save function works now in the same way as did before 7.5.0 (no save dialogs are displayed)
    - PlayResX and PlayResY have now the minimum value set to 0 (was 640 and 480) so any positive value can be entered.
  Bug fixes
    - Position indicator not changing when changing languages and movie is paused
    - Invalid class typecast in Resynchronization
    - Buttons in Other corrections not themed and with bad font
    - Invalid class typecast when pressing Escape in subtitle text editor in Editor window (Undo function)
    - Very annoying bug in CatsoftComponents - the value in ValEdits with picklists was not updated when a new value was selected in the picklist. Many occurrences throughout SP, e.g. in the Subtitle properties (PlayresX and PlayResY)

  New features
    - Completely new customizable user interface
      - All toolbars are dockable
      - Toolbar can be docked to a different window
      - Toolbar positions (and the dock site) are saved when exiting
      - New look & feel - 25 different themes
    - New OSD Menu - allows to open files, select audio, subtitles etc.
    - New OSD Player Controls
    - Playing speed controls
    - New DVD controls
      - Quick language selection
      - Quick disc change (with 2 DVD drives)
    - New keyboard actions
      - Toggle OSD Menu
      - Toggle OSD Player controls
      - Quick disc change and Quick language
      - Playback speed
      - Synchronization
    - Improved right-click menu in Player, new menus in other windows
    - New Automatic values in Editor -> Merge/Split
    - Info about subtiltes in Credits & Information window
    - New subtitle synchronization function
      - Load text file (e.g. dialog translation) as subtitles (each line as new subtitle) with zero timestamps
      - Display previous and next subtitles waiting to be synchronized
      - Buttons and keyboard actions for inserting current position to current subtitle's timestamps
    - Language selection in main window and all right-click menus
    - Opensource - After 4 years of development SP is going to be open sourced under GPL licence
  Bug fixes
    - Merge subtitles - asked to save first subs instead of second subs
    - DVD Angle selection (thanks to Animusic DVD with angles)
    - PlayList editor
      - Opening PlayList
        - Trees not redrawn
        - Access violation when opening playlist in PlayList editor with less items than current pls

  Bug fixes
    - Format detection engine (built-in formats have higher priority now)
    - File access problem - some subtitles couldn't be opened
    - Second subtitles are now not cleared upon completing playback and/or switching to the next playlist item

    - Slightly changed the tree structure of configuration (Language branch) because some users couldn't figure how to select a language

  Bug fixes
    - End timestamp correction not working
    - Sort subtitles bug causing "Index out of bounds Exception" occasionaly
    - Toolbars popup menu in Editor now available in the Functions panel and Subtitle grid (there was no way to show the toolbars again after hiding them all

  New features
    - Support for the new Haali Matroska Splitter. Audio and subtitle track names and selection in the same way as with the old filter (but internally through IAMStreamSelect - the track names may be slightly different than using the old filter)

  Bug fixes
    - File access error (subtitle file can't be sometimes opened)
    - Split subtitle file bug (in Time mode the second subtitles end time was not properly updated)
    - Bug in SRT saver - sometimes (very rarely) the timestamp was saved as hh:mm:ss,1000 due to roundoff errors. Now the value is checked whether it is >999 and the hh:mm:ss value is updated if needed
    - Character sets in subtitle grids: The grids use wide strings, while the engine uses only 8bit strings. The conversion now uses the system default codepage.

  New features
    - Movie conversion (experimental)
      - Converts input media to matroska format (without recompression - no quality losses; Matroska Muxer needed)
      - Currently recognizes these splitter filters: AVI Splitter (avi), Matroska Splitter (mkv), WM Reader (wmv, asf), MPEG-1 Splitter , MPEG-2 Demultiplexer, Wave Parser (wav), Ogg Splitter (ogm), Subtitle Source
      - Can multiplex subtitles to the output matroska file (Subtitle Source filter needed)
      - No chapters because of the limitation of the current version of the muxer filter (or I don't know the proper interface)
      - No track descriptions / language because of the same reason as with chapters
      - Does not work with MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 files (the video stream can't be multiplexed without recompression, if you use it with mpeg files, the resulting file will contain uncompressed video)
    - SSA Loader
      - Better handling of default style: The default style of SSA Subtitles is loaded as SSA_Default_x, it's values are used for displaying instead of the *Default. When saving it's saved as Default and in the dialog events it's represented as *Default. This way the resaved files retain the original styling
    - New ASS loader
      - Support for ASS format according to the specifications
      - I got some ASS files saved by SubResync that have errors (not compatible with the specs): 'OutlineColour' instead of 'OutlineColor', 'Actor' instead of 'Name', '1' in the Bold, Italics etc. where only '-1' or '0' is allowed. SP loads them correctly but saves them according to the specs. The files also contained lines starting with '**' (probably comments), these lines are (as any other comments) ignored because they are violating the specs.
      - The new style properties are supported by the Style editor, the Layer field can be changed in the Advanced subtitle editor, the WordWrap style can be edited in Credits & Properties
      - The effects can be edited in the Advanced subtitle editor too, however you must know the codes since SP does not contain any wizards
      - The style override codes can be edited in the subtitle text, but as with the effects, SP does not provide any wizards so you must know the codes
    - DirectVobSub support
      - Force loading DVobSub (VSFilter) for each multimedia file
      - Automatically put subtitle source file to DVobSub
      - Rendering subtitles through DVobSub (selectable through Subtitle stream selector) - useful for advanced ASS styles
      - Configurable in Settings - Player - Subtitles
      - With the the option 'Automatically load subtitles in VobSub' the file name is loaded to VobSub upon opening or saving subtitle file. The VobSub subtitles are also selected in the player
    - New menu and keyboard actions for opening Playlist editor, Style editor and Subtitle properties (the old buttons in were editor removed)
    - Style column in Editor now displays subtitle layer (configurable)  
  Bug fixes
    - Subtitle settings dialog couldn't be closed with the CloseDialog keyboard shortcut 
  New features
    - Matroska - chapter names are now loaded from Matroska files

  New features
    - Matroska support
      - Subtitle stream playback via DirectVobSub (VSFilter,
      - Subtitle stream switching, done in the same way as in DVD mode
      - Audio stream selection (works when the Morgan Stream Switcher is NOT installed)
      - Chapters loaded as playlist tree - select chapter in playlist window
    - New Stream selector toolbar now contains the Audio selector and Subtitle selector
    - New drive select menu for DVD instead of the dialog
    - DVD titles and chapters are now loaded as playlist - select title or chapter in the playlist tree. Title and Chapter selection buttons on DVD Toolbar removed.
    - Removed DVD chapter jump buttons - the function is now merged with track jump buttons
    - Improved the OSD graph painter so it deals better with complex graphs like in Matroska files
    - Replaced the remaining Select item box with ordinary menu in the remaining Select angle button i DVD Toolbar
    - Next subtitles keyboard action now works in all modes (not only DVD)
  Bug fixes
    - Subtitle language combo in Playlist now contains correct ISO 3-letter language codes (there were only first 3 letters of the name)
    - Incorrect hint time when mouse moved over the seek bar in OSD in frame mode
    - Roundoff errors when saving SRT subtitles (changed trunc to round) - now when saving without changes the times are exactly the same

  New features
    - Very basic support for Matroska (*.mkv) container. You need correct filters (at least the parser and splitter from and all filters for the content. No audio/subtitle stream switching, chapters and other features for now

  Bug fixes
    - Fixed a bug that prevented Matroska files from loading
    - Incorrect FPS-Time calculation in subtitles in DVD mode

  Bug fixes
    - MVD format did not save with line breaks
    - Some open/save dialogs did not work with the "Disable in edit fields" option in keyboard configuration

  Bug Fixes
    - Fine-tuned autodetection expression in subtitle format definitions
    - Configuration - reference resolution - screen height was taken for both width and height
    - Reformat lines - short lines were not merged
    - Subtitle engine - nasty bug in determining end frame - probably affected lot of functions
    - Player - adding subtitle - dit not work with more than 3 subtitles due to the end frame bug
    - Player - second subtitles editor - buttons in End time were not working
    - Translator - unable to edit subtitles in the bottom grid (if the 2nd subtitles were in bottom) (caused by not updating 2nd subs editor in player; it affected other functions in translator)
    - Translator - copy text, copy timestamps - the function of the buttons was inverted (text copied time and vice versa)
    - Translator - deleting in second subtitles - it seemed that the subtitle below the selected was deleted (actually the correct subtitle was deleted, but due to the 2nd sub editor bug the next subtitle was overwritten by the data of the deleted subtitle)

  New features
    - New Subtitles engine
      - Removed Select format dialog
      - New editor for the Character/Speaker property of SSA subtitles (was parsed and preserved but it had no UI in older versions)
      - XSP - Extensible Subtitle Parser - new subtitle loader engine capable of loading subtitles in arbitrary formats. Formats are specified by XML files.
        - New formats: SubViewer 2, SubViever 1, DKS, FAB Subtitler, Mac DVD Studio PRO, MacSUB, MPL, MPL 2, Phoenix Japanimation, PowerDivX
  Bug fixes
    - When closing PlayList dialog with an active in-place editor the value was lost
    - Fixed the broken Transitions function
    - Fixed marking when searching for all occurences
    - Movie data parser now deletes crlf and multiple spaces

  New features
    - SSA Font embedding
    - Rewritten the style engine
      - Local styles are saved if enabled, subtitle styles discarded after exit
      - New Embeddable property for styles
      - Non-local styles are purged before new subtitles are loaded
    - Removed the Show selection toolbar and Show mark toolbar items from the Selection and mark menu
  Bug fixes
    - Fixed minimum sizes in Editor seeking toolbar
    - btnSearch in Translator had incorrect name - language file did not work
    - Captions in toolbars improperly displayed on other systems than WinXP
    - Patched playlists incorrectly handled paths

  New features
    - Brand new configuration engine
      - More configurable options
        - Patches directories
        - Default modes
    - Totally rewritten PlayList engine with a lot of new features
      - New PlayList format - PLS
      - Nested playlists - multiple levels
      - Extended movie information, parsers for HTML pages from movie databases (CSFD for now, IMDB comming in future versions)
    - Substantially redesigned toolbars in Player
      - Tools can be docked, undocked, moved, resized, hidden
      - Position of undocked bars and visibility is saved to configuration - the bars will be in the same state upon next startup (position of docked bars is not retained - it willl be default. This is because it's difficult to save the state of the ReBar control)
      - User can hide the toolbars that he/she does not need
    - Toolbars in Editor undockable in the same way as in Player
    - New OSD Information menu
      - Movie data page - displays movie information
      - Filter graph - displays the filter graph of the media file in a similar ay to MS GraphEdit
    - New editor for second subtitles in Player
    - New menu item in the Spell checker to directly type the new word
    - Multi-level playlist with movie information
    - Subtitles in PlayList
    - Removed the pause when playing next playlist item that has the same source file and starts where the previous ends  
    - OSD Title caption improved

  Bug fixes
    - Spell checker replacements were not saved ocassionally when there was only one word replaced in the subtitle
    - Default subtitles format configuration had no effect
    - Hopefully solved the nasty bug where OSD become hidden (and right click menu in player stopped working) if changed language in settings screen and it could reappear only by going fullscreen or changing the audio stream
    - Removed 2 references to 'kernel32' without '.dll' that caused troubles in Windows2000. Hopefully there aren't more.

  New features
    - Patches - load a patch subs, mvd or external dvd subs instead of the original file (Experimental)
    - External subtitles can be turned off or selected in the Subpicture menu in DVD mode
    - The oversized subtitle is indicated by a red frame around the editors instead of red font.
    - When saving the default extension is appended to the filename if it has no extension or the part after the last dot is longer than 4 chars.
    - Changed the RichEdit memos in Editor and Player back to normal memos - too many "out of resources" messages
    - All MRUs now show full path
    - Changed Arial or MS Sans Serif to Verdana in various edits to make I( capital I)and l(small l) distinguishable
    - Volume control in Player is now logarithmic
  Bug fixes
    - After search the selected subtitle became uneditable (the changes made were always discarded)
    - Invalid pointer operation when trying to select DVD subpictures and there are no streams of subs in the current chapter

6.7 = 6.8
  New features
    - Spell checker using the GNU ASpell engine
    - Codepage transcoding
    - Completely new WordWrap function with more options
    - Ending timestamp correction and recalculation (automatic calculation of ending timestamps)
    - Other corrections - various fixes like sorting, removing empty subs etc.
    - Search & replace with many options
    - "Change source" and "Loop offset" in PlayList editor
    - New Select and Mark buttons in editor toolbar, with a picklist of options and optional toolbars
    - Keyboard actions: - Increase / Decrease subtitles offset
                        - Jump 5 seconds forward / backward  
    - "Move By" edit box in Editor now has a picklist of options
    - "Open 1st subs" and "Open 2nd subs" now share a common MRU list
    - MRU list for DVD now displays full file paths because the filename is always "video_ts.ifo"
    - MRU lists remove nonexistent files on load
    - Upgraded DirectShow engine (DSPack) to 2.3.4
    - DVD Select drive dialog now accepts double click in the drive list to quickly select the drive
    - DVD Select drive now adds the .ifo file to DVD MRU
    - Picture keyboard controls now available only in the player window (no possibility of global controls)
  Bug fixes
    - Incorrect image indexes in Open menu (playlist, dvd, workspace)
    - Incorrect behavior of "Remove spaces in numbers" in OCR corrections
    - MRU lists not saved in some ocasions
  New features
    - PlayList
      - m3u format
      - Enqueue MVD or media files
      - Repeat mode - 1x PlayList, 1x file, repeat playlist, repeat file
      - PlayList editor
      - Auto-play on open
      - Jump to prev / next track
    - Toggle OSD Time mode
    - New keyboard actions - OSD Time, Stop, Next+Prev Track, Volume, AspectRatioMode, RepeatMode, Ignore loops, Enqueue
    - Volume control
    - Popup menu in video window, with DirectShow filter list and their Property Page invocation & lots of other items
    - Overscan correction for the OSD
    - Automatic cursor hiding & screen saver disabling (in full-screen mode)
    - Automatic aspect ratio mode correction for configurable video resolution
    - Change monitor keyboard action & popup menu item - Cycle through available monitors for full-screen display
    - Loop definition
      - play only a part of a file.
      - Powerfull UI and integration with the playlist.
      - Playlist items can be multiple parts of the same file.
      - Ignore loops mode

    - Pressing and releasing Alt key no longer focuses the form's system menu (thus disabling keyboard control)
    - Automatically update open dialog's filter according configured file extensions
    - Changed the Play and Pause buttons to Play/Pause and Stop
    - Color controls (gamma, brightness, contrast) are not reset when loading new media file
    - Much improved the media detection (maybe a tiny bit slower) - picture controls and other functions available for more playable files
    - Slight changes to the OSD, title now shows playlist position

  Bug fixes
    - Player picture and color keyboard controls now work when the full-screen was started from other tabs than player  
    - Select drive dialog was not closed using the kbd action
    - Removed the 'division by zero' in audio-only files
    - Bug in seek routines - did not preserve time format according to the main mode

    - New OSD Menu code that allows enhancements (future versions)
      - Really transparent, subtitles visible under OSD elements
      - Minor enhancements of the OSD
      - Nicer subtitle rendering (bordered text, dynamic text resize to fit wide lines on screen)
    - Got rid of the ugly dark purple frame around the movie (visible on TV screen or with monitor's Gamma setting very high)

  Bug fixes
    - Incorrect loading of Default style font options
    - Move/Scale in time mode - start timestamp was not moved (broken after the change of the subtitle search algorithm in 6.4)

  New features
    - log file - to use the log file run SP with the -log parameter

  Bug fixes
    - Auto-loading OCR Error list was broken (number of items was not updated)

  New features
    - WinLIRC remote control support
    - Automatic file opening based on configurable file extensions
    - DVD player
      - Allows to use DVD as media files for all SP functions, especially working with & displaying external subtitles
      - All common DVD controls, including:
        - Title, chapter, subpictures, audio & angle selection
        - Menu controls
        - Forward & backward playback at multiple speeds
    - Changed the INI format for controls to allow saving the WinLIRC strings
    - Better media detection code
    - Changed the OSD a little
    - The Auto-create button in Resynchronization has now drop menu with multiple counts
  Bug fixes
    - ASF and WMV files did not load
    - Some possible memory leaks fixed
    - Key list in keyboard configuration did not translate and caused losing the configuration with non-english languages

  Bug fixes
    - Picture was stretched across entire window when the audio stream was switched
    - Incorrect texts in "Format for saving the subtitles" combo in Settings window
    - Saving styles and OCR Error list to INI file was broken
    - Multipoint Linear Resynchronization was broken (button edits didn't work)
    - Removed the really stupid message in "Recalculate FPS" that the function is only for frame subtitles
    - The meanings of the Old FPS and New FPS were switched
    - Audio stream menu was broken. Now it also has images showing the number of channels in the streams.
    - When saving the OCR Error list, spaces were trimmed

    - Changed the meaning of the "Speed change" edit field. It is now more intuitive: Speed less than 100 % will cause the subtitles to slow down (thus run longer) and speed above 100% will cause them to run faster (and thus shorter).

  New features
    - Player
      - New picture controls (Better zoom, Position, Aspect ratio) together with corresponding keyboard actions
      - New OSD Info - info about current media file and subtitles
      - Possibility to start full-screen on different monitor than the default (usefull when TV is connected as second monitor)
    - Search for text in editor
    - Keyboard actions
      - Mark subtitles
      - Search for text
      - Aspect ratio, Reset picture, Picture position
    - Interface for configuring the controls
    - Show overlapping subtitles
    - Context sensitive help
    - About box redesigned
    - New current subtitle search engine - allows to find overlapping subtitles
    - New media loading code
    - Settings screen redesigned
    - Settings INI file format changed
  Bug fixes
    - Movie position is now reset when new media is loaded
    - Invalid typecast when saving something resolved
    - Audio streams are correctly switched in time mode

  Future plans
    - DVD playback
    - Play-list
    - Normalization - fix different flaws in subtitle files like overlapping subtitles
    - More keyboard actions - send suggestions
    - Finish the Embed fonts feature in SSA
    - Full SSA renderer

  New features
    - Multipoint Linear Resynchronization - new function to synchronize subtitles with variable time errors using a set of synchronization points and distributing the time error linearly between the synchronization points
    - Direct controls through keyboard (& mouse) shortcuts (configurable only through INI file for now)
      - INI Shortcut format: Action=FFT-TFF-T-Space|Ins -> Modifiers-AlternateModifiers-BlockInEdits-Key-AlternateKey. T=modifier present/BlockInEdits=True. Modifiers order is Shift-Alt-Ctrl
      - This shortcut will be: Primary - Ctrl+Space, Secondary - Shift+Ins, Blocked in edit fields
    - Export the controls to HTML file
    - new bookmarks in Player
    - new buttons edits in Merge/Split to quickly enter movie length
    - new OSD style
    - audio button now cycle through available audio streams
    - tab order in most dialogs

  Future plans
    - More keyboard actions - send suggestions
    - Full SSA renderer
    - Normalization - fix different flaws in subtitle files like overlapping subtitles
    - Finish the Embed fonts feature in SSA
    - Update the documentation

    - Change the subtitle search algorithm for displaying (now using an index with subtitle number for every frame - limited length)
    - More picture controls like position, side ratio and better zoom
    - OSD information about media streams

    - Incorrect resizing of the subtitle preview box & zoom bar in Editor
    - S and L style tags are shown in the subtitle grid immediately
    - Removed invalid error message in Move subtitles
  New features
    - Highlight oversize subtitles in all editors and grids
    - Zoom in player (mouse wheel)
    - (Auto)Save subtitles together with WSP or MVD
    - Redesigned Drag&Drop dialog, now supports WSP files
    - Switch audio streams in multi-language movies
    - Import SRT format tags as line styles
    - Ask to save subtitles if they are changed and SP is about to load new ones
    - Fast save of files (without dialog) when clicking on save button and a file type is allready displayed in the button(1.sub/2.sub/mvd/wsp0
    - Changing style in style combobox changes style in all selected subs
    - New buttons for inserting subtitle before and ater the selected
    - Translation engine gives error message with error position if the lng file is invalid
    - Saved files now added to MRU lists
    - Save subtitles dialogs now show in titles whether the subs are first or second
    - After deleting subs the sub directly after the removed is selected
    - Move & Scale has now 2 separate boxes for Move and Change speed
    - When switching time/frame in subtitle start/end boxes there is a configurable option to use old timestamp value and not convert the displayed one
    - Time->Frame conversion now rounds down start frame and up for end frame
    - Some other tiny changes
    - MVD loade loads subtitle language tag
    - When overwriting MVD a warning is given that MVD support is limited

    - Places bar not showing on first opening the WSP load dialog
    - Open button not opening the WSP dialog when WSP selected
    - WSP MRU showing Open dialog instead of instantly opening the file
    - Incorrect resizing of the grids in Translator

  New features
    - SSA Loader - full support of all SSA v4 features in the editor. Nothing is lost when a SSA file is opened and then resaved. In the player however not all the SSA features are rendered. Also contains the 3to4 (UU) encoding / decoding to extract and embed pictures to subtitle files. The only unsupported feature of SSA is embedding the fonts (need to explore the relevant part of Windows API).
      - enriched Style structure and style dialog to hold new SSA properties
      - enriched Subtitle structure to hold new SSA parameters
      - new Advanced subtitle editor tab in Editor - contains advanced subtitle properties (SSA)
      - new Credits & properties dialog & button in editor - edit advanced information about the subtitles
      - new tab in Settings with SSA options
    - Save / Load workspace - Save or load the workspace (opened files & selected subtitle index)
      - new option in Settings for auto-saving the workspace
    - Menu structure for saving same as for loading

  [fixed] width of group boxes in the settings screen (format options)
  [fixed] linked english language was 5.4.9.b1 - something was left in czech

5.4.9.b3 = 5.5.0
  [fixed] SRT loader buggy and unstable. Now can load even a corrupted SRT file

  [done] Subtitle numbers in grids are 1-based (were zero-based)
  [done] Reworked the configuration dialog - selection of save format

  [fixed] Insert position to subtitle end fixed
  [fixed] Drag&drop form not translated when SP was started with command line parameters
  [fixed] Unable to select multiple subtitles in editor
New features
  [done] Jump buttons in Editor in the start and end timestamp editboxes
  [done] Split subtitle button in Player
  [done] Seeking buttons in Editor
  [done] Seeking toolbar & position indicators in Translator
  [done] Bottons to jump to start/end timestamp of the selected subtitle in Translator
  [done] Edits in player are disabled when there is no subtitle displayed
  [done] Increased step in gamma control in Player (from 10 to 20)

  [fixed] charset in grids
  - saving
  [fixed] didn't save newly created subtitles (they hadn't a format specified, MDVD is used as default)
  [fixed] sometimes doesn't work completely (incorrect path generation - resulted in invalid path and thus no file could be saved)
  [fixed] saves in incorrect format (the selected format in the Save dialog was not taken into account. Also fixed the ato-adding of extensions)
  [fixed] "Insert current subtitle end position" confusing (Player)
  [fixed?, untested] doesn't work under Win2000 - probably also due the incorrect paths
  [fixed] confusing terminology in help messages
  [fixed (hopefully)] Memory violation when closing SP if movie is playing (solved by automatic pause before exit)
New features
  [done] Display 2nd subtitles in player too (probably configurable)
  [done] Add brightness / contrast
  [done] Switch 1st and 2nd subtitles position in Translator

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